Tuesday, January 18, 2011


             Jorge’s animal report
                          The moose is an amazing animal,because they can run up to 35mph,and they have a nice coat of fur,there also dark brown,and are able to stay under water looking for grass for a minute. They even have a unique habitat and diet. A moose average life span is10to 20 years. Males are called bulls and they females are called cows.A moose can eat up to 45 pounds of food a day. There antlers of the males can go up to 6feet tall! There babies are called calves. They look like a deer only their snout is longer. They also can weigh up to 2,000 pounds.
     Males bellow loudly when searching for a mate. Diet is marsh plants,twigs,branches,leaves. There group is called herd of moose. There family is called Cervide,but for short deer. U.s habitat is grass lands and water ways of north west u.s and Alaska.
                                    Also the females have no antlers. There also good swimers,but I’ve never seen a moose in real life. There pouplation is 11,000. Also they have broad antlers and you might hane know that moose are related to Caribou too. There diet is Herbivore and mating time is September and October.There call is whistle like call and grunts. Number of there offspring is one sometimes two. There phylum is called Chordata. Their kindom is Animalla. Their gens is Alces and sub familly is Capreolinae.
                          There range is Europe and North america. Their Gestation period is 8moths. There special are a.Alces isn’t that cool I like mooses. For example in order its Artiodactyla. Their habitat is the Boreal forest wich I have done for my biome. Adult moose have a dark brown coat of fur. Mooses antlers are the fastest growing organ in a animal,as they develop within  a short period of three to five moths.

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