Thursday, January 13, 2011

Art what im afraid of

I would like to say I'm not afraid of anything. However, that's not true. People constantly say they're not afraid of anything but that's a lie. Its very rare for someone to not be scared of anything. In order to come to that conclusion you'd have to get over the idea of life. To be completely whatever about anything and everything. Sadly I'm not. Yeah i have fears for the most part they are things that i do not come upon often. I think that's the same for everyone but I've been wrong before. I have a numerous amount of fears some i don't even want to deal with why ? I'm not really sure. I know several people who do not like talking about religion or politics and i think that the reason why is because they are all scared to find out that the truth is everything is fake. People use things to block what they are really trying to say. Which brings me to religion like religion is an excuse for something that cannot be answered. This is the way i see it, but as i said before I'm not always right. So whats my fear ? I haven't really tried to find it. If id have to chose one I think I'd go with death.

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