Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Joshua Charles a Ghost Story

 "Open the Door","No way" Eddie took his life away before the FBI could even get a hold on him.To this day they say he hunts the streets looking for another way for a murder  massacre to begin.The next day Carl went to school as frightened as a cat ,"Eu whats that",said Bob ."I pe-e-e-ed my p-a-a-n--t-s."I am home"Stay in you are not going to school again."Carl was astonished ,a few minutes later he heard the whole story about a 16 murder massacre.His mom was so frightened they were going to move.The tv communication was off, you are next.The door opened and there was Eddie ,no way to escape ,Carl`s life was over.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011


             Jorge’s animal report
                          The moose is an amazing animal,because they can run up to 35mph,and they have a nice coat of fur,there also dark brown,and are able to stay under water looking for grass for a minute. They even have a unique habitat and diet. A moose average life span is10to 20 years. Males are called bulls and they females are called cows.A moose can eat up to 45 pounds of food a day. There antlers of the males can go up to 6feet tall! There babies are called calves. They look like a deer only their snout is longer. They also can weigh up to 2,000 pounds.
     Males bellow loudly when searching for a mate. Diet is marsh plants,twigs,branches,leaves. There group is called herd of moose. There family is called Cervide,but for short deer. U.s habitat is grass lands and water ways of north west u.s and Alaska.
                                    Also the females have no antlers. There also good swimers,but I’ve never seen a moose in real life. There pouplation is 11,000. Also they have broad antlers and you might hane know that moose are related to Caribou too. There diet is Herbivore and mating time is September and October.There call is whistle like call and grunts. Number of there offspring is one sometimes two. There phylum is called Chordata. Their kindom is Animalla. Their gens is Alces and sub familly is Capreolinae.
                          There range is Europe and North america. Their Gestation period is 8moths. There special are a.Alces isn’t that cool I like mooses. For example in order its Artiodactyla. Their habitat is the Boreal forest wich I have done for my biome. Adult moose have a dark brown coat of fur. Mooses antlers are the fastest growing organ in a animal,as they develop within  a short period of three to five moths.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Leo Genis

i am no fearles to scary movies

joshua jerrell

I'm not afraid of going on a bungee trampoline.One time i went almost as high as the poles.


I am not scared of Robers for several reasons.Reason number 1 because i know how to knock someone out with one simple punch.Reason number 2  because I have my bed full of scissors and rocks so if someone tried to rob me or my things i would throw scissors at them and rocks.Reason number 3 because my door is always locked at night.Reason number 4 because i am a light sleeper.One simple noise o wake up and o also sense someone if i am sleeping so if they got in my house i would sense them and they can be very quiet.But i will still sense them and i would know if it was my dad or mom because i know how they sound when they walk.   


i am fearless of heights. I'm not scared of heights because i like water I'm not scared to get or fall in.i love the water. i water to go on the titanic and fall in the cold Ice water oh what that happened a long time ago i wasn't born yet dang you mom and grandmas. well yeah so it is all my mom and grandmas that i had so OK bey.

Emily - Fearless

I am not afraid of zip lines.  When you zip line, there's a harness around your waist with a rope clipped into the loop in the front.  Then, another rope gets clipped onto you that is connected to the line.  Then, you hang on to the rope and enjoy the ride.  Some people, like my friend Mackenzie, are afraid of this kind of stuff, but not me.  I really like zip lining.  I've done it twice and can't wait to do it again. :-)

dayna : what i am not fear less of

what I am not fearless of is bungee jumping .... !!!
because I think its so cool just to say I did it ... (: !!

gisselle : what i am not fear less of

what i am not fearless of is swimming in the ocean.....! because i took lessons last year so i could do jr. lifeguard this year. and yeah and i love the water....(:


I'm not afraid of spiders. my sister is and she's 15. if there's a spider I put it outside. i think daddy-long legs are cute, even if they're poisonous. their pincers can't break skin.   ;)


iam fearless of being in fort of a audience and being in the wild sometimes


i am fearless of rollarcoster some small like me i could fall out but thats the best part it makes it more fun and i love it  sometimes the people think i going to fall out i just love how every thing is going so fast love the lights when i pass them beacause i jiuts love it also love camping because you never know whats going to happen i seen so many different animals


I am fearless of sharks i would want to be in cage with great white sharks and feed them


i am fearless of......expresing not so scary at all


i am fearless about boys... they are too sweet and nice.. they are not scary at all

Jose - Fearless

I'm fearless of my parents because I know I can trust them with anything I have problems with. I can tell them anything at anytime because I know they will understand me. I trust my dad more because he's been through my kind of problems. So yea


I am fearless about going to the mountains or somewhere that has bushes and tress and stuff like that
then at night go out with my friends and go riding are bicycle where there could be coyotes or wolfes
i am not afraid of that because where i live there is like a fence and well where i live there are going to make alot of more apartments and in the back of the fence there is a lot of dirt and stuff like that and there is also rocks and little hills and that's why i am fearless about that because i have done it a lot of times with my friends and sometimes we take a flash lite and sometimes we don't.

Art what im afraid of

I would like to say I'm not afraid of anything. However, that's not true. People constantly say they're not afraid of anything but that's a lie. Its very rare for someone to not be scared of anything. In order to come to that conclusion you'd have to get over the idea of life. To be completely whatever about anything and everything. Sadly I'm not. Yeah i have fears for the most part they are things that i do not come upon often. I think that's the same for everyone but I've been wrong before. I have a numerous amount of fears some i don't even want to deal with why ? I'm not really sure. I know several people who do not like talking about religion or politics and i think that the reason why is because they are all scared to find out that the truth is everything is fake. People use things to block what they are really trying to say. Which brings me to religion like religion is an excuse for something that cannot be answered. This is the way i see it, but as i said before I'm not always right. So whats my fear ? I haven't really tried to find it. If id have to chose one I think I'd go with death.


i am not afraid of sleeping. the reason i am not afraid of sleeping is because it is very calming and i would much rather die in my sleep because i would not be in pain


i am fearless of dying, its something i cant escape and i'll have to face it even if i dont want to.


i am fearless with telling my mom , i can tell her anything, becuse if i dont it will come out anyway some how she will know

Julia Tavares

Ever since I was little I was never afraid of being in an unfamiliar place.... I love to travel, I love to fly, be on a boat... all the different ways to travel im fearless about it. I love being in a different enviroment and getting out of my house. I guess I feel like I cant stay in one place for a long time.


reptiles because they are not that bad just dont go in to their  teritories and ive been around them alot


i am not afraid to animals because i have some and i like them a lot. i have got a lot time to do stuff with them.


i am not afraid of dogs because i love animals and i would like to help them one day


im not afraid of looking stupid. im not afraid of that because i dont care what people think or say about me.

Danny Toro-Roller coasters

I am fearless of roller coasters I can go on any roller coaster.When I go to a roller coaster i don't scream I just like to feel the wind on my face.


that's a hard question to answer. what are you fearless about? Can you ever really be fearless about something? Do your doubts about something count as fear or hesitation? Usually people have doubts about things. Like riding a bike for the first time. You  might be scared that you'll fall but you'll still get on and try. There are also big things in life that you could fear. like life itself. you might worry about your future but either way you'll still have to live it. So i don't think there is anything that people can be totally completely fearless about, but i think you could have complete courage to do something. So to answer the question, there isn't anything i'm totally fearless about.


I am fearless when it comes to music.I play 3 instruments and i dont  mind trying other ones and what i listen to i don't care what people say about my styles of music i always challenge myself when it comes to playing new things on guitar or anything else i don't worry if  i cant do it so i am fearless when i play music. 

Joshua Charles

  I am fearless of getting hurt because I get hurt but it does not scare me at all.I am valiant to this because I get hurt a lot so I am  used to it.The biggest injury I have had is when I squished a light bulb and that did not hurt but I put a sock on it so the blood would stop.I was 5-7 years old.The other biggest injury was when I brick that weiighed 10-15 pounds got on my foot.


I am fearless of dogs. I love them alot but I know grown ups who are very afraid of dogs. I have had three dogs in my whole life. You never know if you are afraid of any kind of animals unless you have seen one before.

Katelyn A.

im fearless of clowns they've never scared me and i think there awesome and i wish i could be in a circus with them

Kaitlyn T.

I am have always been fearless of going up on stage and acting or singing in front of people.When I was in Wisconsin i auditioned to sing in front of over 25,000 people so ya  


Im fearless to act all crazy and silly just to have fun. I love running around being myself and just acting complete silly. I love to yell out of nowhere for fun. Im fearless about this because i want to have fun and live life to the fullest. I think if you act fearless doing something you love then you can have a good fun life.

Courtlands Why I'm FearLess

I'm Fearless to fly. I'm fear less to do this because when i fly i can feel free.i don't have any worries when i fly I'm just in midair and I'm floating half the time and i love it.I'm fearless because I'm cant just by by myself I'm not at school or at home listening to my mom complain or fighting  with my dad or listening to my little brother and sister complain and whine and moan.

Monday, January 10, 2011


                                        Government officials by:Jorge Garibay
                          Every civilization is built upon rules and regulations. In ancient Egypt, government revolved heavily around a single figure, the Pharaoh, who the people believed to be a living god. This status basically granted the pharaoh (who was, in almost all cases, a man) virtually limitless power and control over his subjects.
    The type of government in ancient Egypt was a theocracy. Even in the New Kingdom, when Akhentan forced the people to put aside the 'old gods' in favor of a single god, religion and government were tightly entwined. A good number of the people carrying out the Pharaoh's decrees where priests and holy men. This group formed their own social class as they were given preferential treatment before other citizens and were a kind of nobility in their own right.
    The government structure of ancient Egypt involved other officials, including viziers, army commanders, chief treasurers, the minister of public works, and tax collectors, all of whom answered directly to the pharaoh. There were also governors of specific pieces of land who answered to the vizier.
    Taxation existed under the government of Egypt , though mostly in the way of goods and labor. Citizens were drafted into the military when necessary, or into forced labor to pay labor tax, depending on what needed to be done at the time. In much earlier times, during the Old Kingdom , the kings often controlled all the resources and only gave them to those able to pay taxes and remain loyal to their leaders, despite being despotic.
    When it came to laws, many of them involved punishments to fit crimes. In a religious country, right and wrong were most likely clearly defined, and doing 'wrong' was not just a general bad idea, but it brought disgrace on one's entire family. Punishments for wrong doing were as lax as caning or as severe as dismemberment or various executions.
    During intermediate periods where the unity of Upper and Lower Egypt dissolved and chaos ensued, the centralized governments broke down. At a later time, the ruling class of one area would manage to take over the rest of Egypt and once again reinstated unity in the country. These periods would last usually for a few decades to a hundred years or so before things would be brought back mostly to normal.
    In the several thousand year span of Egyptian history, the general way of governing was quite consistent. Things only seemed to change in large ways when parts of Egypt were invaded, or someone chose to overthrow the government. Perhaps the mix of politics, religion and the belief that the pharaoh was infallible and a deity was what allowed Egypt to remain the powerful country that it was for such a long time.      

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Jorge and Noe's Mummification process

Mummification Process

Mummification Steps

  1. Announcement of Death
  2. Embalming the Body
  3. Removal of Brain
  4. Removal of Internal Organs
  5. Drying Out Process
  6. Wrapping of the Body
  7. Final Procession

Step 1: Announcement of Death

This first step was to let the people know that someone had died. A messenger was sent out to the streets to announce the death. This allowed people to get themselves ready for mourning period and ceremony.

Step 2: Embalming the Body

The second step was taking the body to be embalmed. The embalmers were located in special tents or
buildings. These buildings were called embalming workshops, and were maintained by teams of priests. Oftentimes during the embalming, the priests would have to step outside to get away from the horrible smell.

Step 3: Removal of Brain

The first part of the body to be removed was the brain. Egyptians did not know the purpose of the brain, so they thought it was a waste of space. To extract the brain, a hook was inserted through the nose. The embalmers pulled out as much as they could, then put it in water to dissolve. Some people think the water was then thrown out, but others think it was taken with the mummy to the burial chamber.

Step 4: Removal of Internal Organs

Next to be removed were the internal organs: the liver, the lungs, the stomach, and the intestines. A small slit was made on the left side of the abdomen, then the embalmers reached in and pulled out the organs. Each of the organs was individually mummified, then stored in little coffins called canopic jars. There were four canopic jars, one for each of the organs. These jars were protected by the four sons of Horus.

Imset protected the liver.
He had the head of a human.
Ha'py watched over the lungs.
He had the head of a baboon.
Duamutef looked after the stomach.
He had the head of a jackal.
Qebehsenuef looked over the intestines.
He had the head of a falcon.

Once the internal organs were removed, the inside of the body was washed out with palm oil, lotions, and preserving fluids. Next the body was stuffed with linen, straw, or other packing material to keep the general shape of the person. Sometimes the embalmers were careless and either stuffed too much or too little. This caused the mummy to look puffy or disfigured.

Step 5: Drying Out Process

The body was placed on a slab and covered with either nacron or natron salt. The slab was tilted so that the water would run off into a basin. This removed moisture and prevented rotting. The body was taken outside and let dry for about forty days. After the body was completley dried out, the wrapping of the body began.

Step 6: Wrapping of the Body

Wrapping the body was a painstaking process. The body was anointed with oils, and a gold peice with the Eye of Horus was placed over the slit in the abdomen. Hundreds of yards of linen were used to wrap the body, and each toe and finger was wrapped separatley. Charms, amulets, and inscribed pieces of papyrus were placed between each layer of bandage. Egyptians believed that these charms had magical properties that would protect and bring luck to the body. The Eye of Horus, the symbol of protection, was used often. The wrapping process would be stopped every once in a while so that the priests could say certain prayers and write on the linen. A final shroud was placed on the mummy to keep all the wrappings together. Mummia was added to the shroud to "glue" it all together. (That's where the word "mummy" comes from.) Sometimes false eyes were inserted and make-up applied. Then a painted portrait mask was placed over the mummy's head so that dead person's soul (Ka) could recognize its owner. The mummy was then placed into a painted, decorated coffin.

Step 7: Final Procession

The last step of mummification was the final procession. The final procession was where the family and friends of the deceased walked through the town on their way to the burial place. Mourners were paid to cry so that the gods of the other world would see that the person was well loved. The more people who cried, the more he was loved, and the better chance he had of going to the after world. Before the mummy was taken inside the tomb, a ceremony called the "Opening of the Mouth" took place.

Opening of the Mouth
The Opening of the Mouth was performed by priests outside the burial chamber. This was one of the most important preparations. The family of the mummy recited spells while the priests used special instruments to touch different parts of the mummy's face. The Egyptians believed that the mummy would not be able to eat, see, hear, or move in the afterlife if this ceremony did not take place. The mummy was then laid in the burial chamber along with all of his belongings, the canopic jars, and the Book of the Dead. The Book of the Dead was not actually a book, but a collection of over 200 magic spells written on papyrus. This book contained instructions on how to acheive eternal life. Then the tomb was sealed.

Weighing of the Heart
The most important task to achieve immortality was not actually seen by anyone. This task was called "The Weighing of the Heart." Egyptians believed that the most powerful part of a person was his heart. The heart was never removed from the body, because it was considered to be the center of a person's being. In this ceremony, the gods of the underworld judged the mummy's heart, or how well he behaved during his natural life. Maat, the goddess of truth, brought out her scale; on one side was the mummy's heart, and on the other was the Feather of Truth. Anubis, the god of the underworld, made the final judgement, and Thoth, the scribe god, recorded it all. If the heart balanced the feather, the soul of the mummy was granted immortality. If the heart was heavier than the feather (if the sins outweighed the virtues), the soul was doomed to a horrible fate. The heart was thrown to a monster called Ammit, or Devourer of the Dead.

Friday, November 12, 2010

Scream vs. Michael Myers

 The story begins in Haddonfield  where they are making a new Stab movie and it is called "Stab 4 the revenge of scream."Scream called someone acting like he was a wife "Hello" in a girl voice.Scream went to his house and Scream said I"m home.He came inside the room and slashed his heart.That was Michael Myers house and he came in and it was a face off. Scream jumped off the stairs and Michael started walk ind to him.Scream ran to him.Scream got shoved to the floor and Michael hid.Scream went to the cabinet where Michael was hiding.He jumped out and Scream noticed him.They both stabbed each other but Michael Myers endured the pain. Blood fell from Michael Myers knife.Scream fell from the store and vanished.Will Scream ever come back?Michael Myers claimed his territory again .Tun...Tun...Tun

Definition: Fearless

Adj.1.fearlessfearless - oblivious of dangers or perils or calmly resolute in facing them
bold - fearless and daring; "bold settlers on some foreign shore"; "a bold speech"; "a bold adventure"
brave, courageous - possessing or displaying courage; able to face and deal with danger or fear without flinching; "Familiarity with danger makes a brave man braver but less daring"- Herman Melville; "a frank courageous heart...triumphed over pain"- William Wordsworth; "set a courageous example by leading them safely into and out of enemy-held territory"

2.fearlessfearless - invulnerable to fear or intimidation; "audacious explorers"; "fearless reporters and photographers"; "intrepid pioneers"
bold - fearless and daring; "bold settlers on some foreign shore"; "a bold speech"; "a bold adventure"

Fearless - Video by Taylor Swift